Publication capacity declaration AMS S18
The capacity declaration for AMS S18 has been published on our website. For further explanation of the application of the capacity declaration see our website.
The capacity declaration for AMS S18 has been published on our website. For further explanation of the application of the capacity declaration see our website.
The Capacity Declaration W17 as determined by Amsterdam Airport Schiphol does not allow the number of night slots available for allocation to be exceeded as per W17. As a consequence, ACNL can (unlike previous seasons) not take expected cancellations or realization of night movements into account when allocating…
ACNL published the Working procedure Slot Allocation S18: Working procedure Slot Allocation S18 (pdf, v1.0, 22-9-2017)
The SHL S17 has been issued on 11 September 2017. Since that date ACNL signals a significant increase in cancellations. Because of the agreed historics deadline ACNL strongly requests to return immediately all slots for the remainder of the season…
The working procedure non-historical night slots S17 has been updated and published: Working procedure non-historic night slot allocation S17 (pdf, v1.6, 15-9-2017)
Airport Coordination Netherlands herewith informs you that from now all Dutch coordinated airports (AMS*/EIN/RTM) are accessible for online coordination. *AMS night period until further notice remains closed for online coordination. For information on e-Airportslots and the application form navigate to:…
The available capacity for W17 as described in the capacity declaration is an absolute maximum of 185,000 slots of which 10,735 night slots. The total number of requested slots for W17 at initial submission was 212,503, resulting in 27,503 slots…
Distribution dates of SHL messages for all airports coordinated by Airport Coordination Netherlands: RTM September 11, 2017 EIN September 11, 2017 AMS September 11, 2017
This explanation is provided by ACNL to elaborate on the way the SHL S17 AMS as issued today relates to the absolute planning limit as introduced in the Capacity Declaration S17 AMS. The SHL S17 AMS is based on the…
The maximum number of slots as declared for W17 is 185.000. This number may be not be exceeded. As a consequence ACNL will not reallocate ad-hoc slots that are returned to the slot pool before the HBD.