Working procedure Slot Allocation S18 published
ACNL published the Working procedure Slot Allocation S18: Working procedure Slot Allocation S18 (pdf, v1.0, 22-9-2017)
ACNL published the Working procedure Slot Allocation S18: Working procedure Slot Allocation S18 (pdf, v1.0, 22-9-2017)
The SHL S17 has been issued on 11 September 2017. Since that date ACNL signals a significant increase in cancellations. Because of the agreed historics deadline ACNL strongly requests to return immediately all slots for the remainder of the season…
Airport Coordination Netherlands herewith informs you that from now all Dutch coordinated airports (AMS*/EIN/RTM) are accessible for online coordination. *AMS night period until further notice remains closed for online coordination. For information on e-Airportslots and the application form navigate to:…
Distribution dates of SHL messages for all airports coordinated by Airport Coordination Netherlands: RTM September 11, 2017 EIN September 11, 2017 AMS September 11, 2017
Following ACNL’s announcement on WARN & NOTE messages (March 14, 2017) ACNL informs as follows. With WARN & NOTE messages ACNL informs airlines of series of slots with percentages approaching the 80% rate (WARN) compared to HBD, as well of the…
Following the successful experience in S17 by airlines to have the possibility for an appointment with the Slotcoordinators after the Slot conference, we decided to offer this opportunity again for W17. Airlines having requested slots at AMS, RTM and/or EIN…
As of 02 June 2017 the online coordination portal is accessible in read only for the airports AMS, RTM and EIN. The portal not opened for coordination. SAL Distribution dates: AMS 01jun17 EIN 01jun17 RTM 01jun17
The working procedure published by ACNL gives clarification on the process of initial submission, initial allocation, reallocation of slots in the slotpool and changes in slot portfolio with regard to planning limit. Furthermore, ACNL provides details on how information submitted…
Due to an issue occured this morning all email sent to ACNL has not been delivered. The email will probably be delivered during the rest of the day. To be sure that your email has been received we kindly ask…
Distribution dates of SHL messages for all airports coordinated by Airport Coordination Netherlands: RTM 13APR17 EIN 13APR17 AMS 14APR17