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W17 Online Coordination

Airport Coordination Netherlands herewith informs you that from now all Dutch coordinated airports (AMS*/EIN/RTM) are accessible for online coordination. *AMS night period until further notice remains closed for online coordination. For information on e-Airportslots and the application form navigate to:…

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Change of text WARN & NOTE messages

Following ACNL’s announcement on WARN & NOTE messages (March 14, 2017) ACNL informs as follows. With WARN & NOTE messages ACNL informs airlines of series of slots with percentages approaching the 80% rate (WARN) compared to HBD, as well of the…

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Working Procedure Slot Allocation W17

The working procedure published by ACNL gives clarification on the process of initial submission, initial allocation, reallocation of slots in the slotpool and changes in slot portfolio with regard to planning limit. Furthermore, ACNL provides details on how information submitted…

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WARN & NOTE messages from HBD S17

In accordance with IATA WSG art. 8.6.2. Airport Coordination Netherlands (ACNL) as per HBD S17 has started to send out WARN & NOTE messages. With this type of messages ACNL informs airlines of series of slots with percentages approaching the…

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Slot Return Deadline

With reference to Art. 10, par. 3, of EU Council Regulation 95/93, and par 9.15.1 of the IATA WSG I would like to strongly urge you and remind you: that airlines MUST return all series of slots that they do…

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