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Slot monitoring is performed by ACNL in cooperation with the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (Dutch Civil Aviation Authority) and the airports. ACNL complies with the European Council Regulation 95/93 as amended and the World Airport Slot Guidelines (WASG) to monitor the use and adherence of allocated airport slots at all Dutch slot coordinated airports. ACNL performs monitoring based on the received data from the airport managing body.

Regular monitoring procedures are in place for the following categories of inconsistencies in the use of slots:

Unplanned night movements: Flights operated during the night regime at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol without a cleared night slot.

No-recs: Flights operated without cleared airport slots.

No-ops: Cleared airport slots that have not been operated.

COORD/ACTUAL: Coordinated slot compared with the Actual time and/or way of operation.


All monitored night movements without holding a valid night slot are reported to the Dutch Civil Aviation Authority on a regularly (weekly) base. More information on the night regime at AMS can be found here.

For unplanned night movements the policy regarding Night slot enforcement of the Dutch CAA is in force. Airlines are  requested to review and abide to the applicable policy and procedures which are published on the website of the Dutch CAA: Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate.


ACNL matches slot data with data from the airport’s about operated flights and will send unmatched slots/flights to the Dutch CAA. For more information see website of the Dutch CAA: Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

JNUS requests for not operated slots can be applied for as per ACNL’s policy rule Justified Non-Use of Slots (JNUS) for ‘Use it or lose it’ Rule.


ACNL compares slot data with data from the airport’s and other stakeholders and contacts airlines of which irregularities are monitored.

  • At AMS COORD/ACTUAL is based on patterns identified by currently the minimum deviation from the allocated slot time of 60 minutes is monitored.
    At EIN and RTM COORD/ACTUAL is based on patterns identified by currently the minimum deviation from the allocated slot time of 15 minutes is monitored.
    ACNL may take immediate action on exces behaviour.

ACNL will apply the following procedure:

WP: Slot Monitoring ‘Significant different time’ S25

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