Airport Coordination Netherlands (ACNL) has received an addendum to the capacity declaration S25 of Rotterdam…
Extension of the suspension of Schiphol Local Rule 2
On 17 September, 2020 ACNL received a request of the Coordination Committee Netherlands (CCN) to extend the suspension of the application of Schiphol Local Rule 2 at least until and including IATA W20 as a result of the current situation in aviation. This request was addressed and discussed in the CCN meeting of September 8th, 2020, and received the unanymous support of all CCN members present. The rationale of the members is that because of the current situation in aviation, the application of this local rule does not lead to a more efficient use of the available airport capacity.
ACNL acknowledge the request from the CCN and that slot allocation for IATA W20 will be applied according to the regular methods.