Airport Coordination Netherlands (ACNL) has received from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) an addendum to the…
Advice ACNL “How to reduce number of night movements at AMS”.
The Dutch Cabinet has announced to establish a step-by-step reduction to 29,000, 27,000 and 25,000 flight movements annually during the night period at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.
The reduction of the number of night flights is seen as an effective measure to limit the noise nuisance and improve the night rest of the residents. However, this reduction has its complexity. Not only because of the impact with regards to the network function and the competitive position of the airport and its users, but also with regards to the legal restrictions in relation to European slot regulations which give airlines historic rights to operate flights at specific times and because of the large number of deviations of the allocated slot times compared to the actual runway times.
As a result of the complexity outlined before, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has requested Airport Coordination Netherlands (ACNL) to indicate “how in conjunction with the rules and procedures regarding slot allocation a reduction in the number of night movements and the associated slots can be achieved”.
Enclosed are the advice and the summary in English language.